Wednesday, December 4, 2019

A Puppet Show

WALT create and perform a puppet show. 
Room 10/11 had a great opportunity to create and perform a puppet show from scratch! They had to write the script, make the stage and props such as a butterfly, a cocoon, a caterpillar and different types of foods. They practised for a few weeks and developed their acting and understanding of stage performance. Take a look at Karen's group’s performance. (Please click the title above the picture)

The very strong caterpillar 

Setting Description: The mountains are dry with snow on it. Apple trees are swaying side to side. The river is flowing through the forest. 

Narrator: Once upon a time there was an egg on a leaf and then….POP! There was a caterpillar. 
Narrator: It ate a lollipop on Monday
Narrator: On Tuesday the caterpillar ate 2 potatoes. 
Narrator: On Friday the caterpillar ate 3 strawberries. 
Narrator: On Sunday the caterpillar ate 10 pieces of beef. 
Narrator: Then the caterpillar was feeling sick but he ate a leaf and he wasn’t sick anymore. 
Narrator: Then he formed a cocoon. After 4 days, a butterfly flew out of it. The End. 

By Kaysen, Richard, Ella, Karen, Charlotte, Aya

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Book Character Dress Up Day!

On Thursday 21 November, Room 10/11 had a fun day dressed up as their favourite book characters. There were princesses, witches, wizards, Hairy Maclary and many other characters from different books! It was great to see the love of reading and making a connection to those characters. Well done Room 10/11 for your amazing effort and costumes! 

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Art Show - Sea Lions!

We are learning to draw a sea lion.

Room 10/11 have made the Sea Lion artwork for the Art Show that is taking place in Term 3 Week 9. We observed different features and postures of the sea lion and learned to draw it step by step to make our own sea lions. Then we made our background by blending different shades and tints of blue. We also made rocks by scrunching up some brown paper. 

Groupings within 10

WALT know groupings within 10.

We know we can do this when I can find 2 numbers that equal 10. My maths group had to find which person and fish added up to 10 and drew a line to join them. 

Friday, June 21, 2019

Fraction art

WALT use 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 to make flowers and butterflies. 
We have been learning more about fractions and made an amazing artwork using our knowledge of fractions! We drew and cut circles, then cut them again into 2, 3 and 4 pieces to make 1/2, 1/3 and 1/4 of different pieces.  Then, we used 1/2 to make the leaves, 1/3 to make butterflies and 1/4 to make the petals. 

Junior assembly

WALT celebrate and share our learning achievement with others

This term, we hosted one of the junior assemblies. Some of us spoke in front of the junior school while others showed our amazing works like cinquain poem and fraction art. It was a great time to celebrate each others' successes and we can't wait to have another day to host the assembly!

Thursday, April 11, 2019

Using adjectives!

WALT use adjectives
We picked apples from the tree and while eating them we described the apple using our senses.  Then, we wrote a poem using our adjectives.


Friday, March 15, 2019

Welcome Post

Welcome to my e-Portfolio. Share in my learning journey. Visit often. Leave feedback. Enjoy!