Wednesday, December 4, 2019

A Puppet Show

WALT create and perform a puppet show. 
Room 10/11 had a great opportunity to create and perform a puppet show from scratch! They had to write the script, make the stage and props such as a butterfly, a cocoon, a caterpillar and different types of foods. They practised for a few weeks and developed their acting and understanding of stage performance. Take a look at Karen's group’s performance. (Please click the title above the picture)

The very strong caterpillar 

Setting Description: The mountains are dry with snow on it. Apple trees are swaying side to side. The river is flowing through the forest. 

Narrator: Once upon a time there was an egg on a leaf and then….POP! There was a caterpillar. 
Narrator: It ate a lollipop on Monday
Narrator: On Tuesday the caterpillar ate 2 potatoes. 
Narrator: On Friday the caterpillar ate 3 strawberries. 
Narrator: On Sunday the caterpillar ate 10 pieces of beef. 
Narrator: Then the caterpillar was feeling sick but he ate a leaf and he wasn’t sick anymore. 
Narrator: Then he formed a cocoon. After 4 days, a butterfly flew out of it. The End. 

By Kaysen, Richard, Ella, Karen, Charlotte, Aya